When is the due date for references?
All application materials including references are due on 11/3/2023 by 11:59 PM Eastern. Please have your references submit their recommendations a few days before the deadline to give yourself some cushion.
Do references require redaction?
No, references do not require redaction for this year’s application.
My letter of recommendation writer is having issues with submitting his letter. The submit button is not working. Do you have any recommendations about how to get around this?
If you submit your application, your references will not be able to submit their references. If you accidently submit prior to your references completing their submissions, please start a new application and notify us to disregard your current application at NDSEG.PMO@sysplus.com.
Please note, references are not required with your package but are highly recommended.
My reference is telling me they have not received the email requesting a reference. What can I do?
Make sure you have the correct email address from your reference. Click the green ‘Save’ button when making any changes to the reference request pages. Once you click ‘Save’ button, a ‘Send Email’ button will appear which will allow you to generate an automated email to your reference.
Wait for the page to finish loading completely after you’ve pressed the ‘Save’ button. If the page does not generate a validation error (a red box with text in it), you will then be able to press the ‘Send Email’ button, which should generate an email to you *and* to your reference.
If you would like to resend the email to your reference, please repeat the above process, click ‘Save’ then click ‘Send Email’.
I am trying to save a reference change, but the system tells me the email is invalid. I’ve confirmed the email address is right. Please advise me on how to save my reference’s email.
Remove all spaces from the email address – if there are any before, in the middle of, or after, it will be considered invalid.
Do references require redaction?
No, references do not require redaction for this year’s application.
Can I submit 4 references?
No, the Application can only take 3 references. If you would like to change your reference, simply replace the current reference information you would like to replace and click ‘Save’ and then the ‘Send Email’ button.